
Korea Semi-permanent makeup Research Society

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1권 성인의 반영구 메이크업 후 외모 만족도와 자아 존중감의 상관관계

The Correlation between Satisfaction of Appearance and Self-respect after Semi-permarnant Makeup

페이지 정보

신예지 ( Yee-ji-sin ) , 이윤정 ( Yun-jung Lee ) 한국반영구화장학회 2021-06 한국반영구화장학회지


In modern society, external images are one of the important means of expressing individuals. in this study, we studied whether semi-permanent makeup, which can quickly improve external image, affects appearance satisfaction and self-esteem. in this study, 603 adult men and women in their 20s and 50s were surveyed. The collected data in this study was analyzed usin g the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) WIN 25.0 program. To summarize the results of the study, there is a correlation between usual appearance satisfaction and self-respect. The higher the usual appearance satisfaction level, the higher the satisfaction level after semi-permanent makeup. In addition, since there was a correlation between appearance satisfaction and self -respect after semi-permanent makeup, semi-permanent makeup that enhances appearance satisfaction helps to increase self-respect. As such, this study aims to provide basic data for the development of semi-permanent makeup, which has a positive impact on self-respect.
대표자 : 최 경 사업자등록번호 : 792-80-01833 대표전화 : 031-714-4523 FAX : 0504-090-0036 E-Mail : luzk36@naver.com
주소 : 경기도 성남시 분당구 정자일로 240 월드프라자 206호
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